Results 61 - 72 of 100

Foreign Language Bible


Kínai Újszövetség. Revideált kiadás (CU2010)

Revised Chinese Union Version (CU2010)
4 600 Ft
4 140 Ft
IntoThe Light

Into the Light Bible. CEV

CEV Bible Contemporary English Version
10 600 Ft
9 540 Ft

Incil. Turkish New Testament

Turkish NT, new testament, modern
7 000 Ft
6 300 Ft

Holy Bible – New King James Version

English Bible, hardcover
8 800 Ft
7 920 Ft
Hindi Ujszo_400v

Hindi New Testament and Psalms

Hindi New Testament and Psalms
7 000 Ft
6 300 Ft
Hindi Biblia

Hindi Biblia

India, hindi
14 100 Ft
12 690 Ft
Heber Ujszov_400

Hebrew New Testament (hard cover)

13 100 Ft
11 135 Ft
Kiswahili Ujszov

Habari Njema Kwa Watu Wote. Swahili New Testament

3 400 Ft
3 060 Ft

Gute Nachricht Bibel. Kreativ Edition – Német Biblia

Gyülekezeti ifjúsági szolgálat
16 000 Ft
14 400 Ft
Gorog_angol Ujszov_400

Greek–English New Testament

Greek-English New Testament
26 000 Ft
23 400 Ft

Greek New Testament

The New Testament in Today's Greek Version
5 500 Ft
4 675 Ft
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John Calvin Publishing House of the Reformed Church in Hungary