Results 1 - 12 of 100

Foreign Language Bible

Hindi Ujszo_400v

Hindi New Testament and Psalms

Hindi New Testament and Psalms
7 000 Ft
6 300 Ft
Alban Biblia_2020

BIBLA Shkrimi i Shenjte. Albanian Bible

10 000 Ft
9 000 Ft

BIBLIA Habari Njema Kwa Watu Wote. Swahili Bible

9 700 Ft
8 730 Ft

Kinh Thánh. Vietnamese Bible

9 000 Ft
8 100 Ft
Die Bibel_Luther rev2017

Die Bibel. German Bible, paperback (Luther Rev. 2017)

Nach Martin Luther Übersetzung Revidiert 2017 Mit Apokryphen
3 700 Ft
3 330 Ft

Kutsal Kitap. Turkish Bible

18 400 Ft
16 560 Ft
Arab_angol Ujszovetseg

Arabic–English New Testament

4 900 Ft
4 410 Ft

Slim Bibel

Gute Nachricht Bibel
3 700 Ft
3 330 Ft

Cigány Biblia (Szent Jeromos Katolikus Bibliatársulat)

2 800 Ft
2 520 Ft

Bible NFC – Francia Biblia

La Bible Nouvelle Français courant
19 900 Ft
17 910 Ft

Biblían. Icelandic Bible

23 200 Ft
20 880 Ft
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John Calvin Publishing House of the Reformed Church in Hungary